



You all, fools: *getting tattoos based on the ancient tattoos they find on bog mummies and the other ancient dead that for all you know will bind you to a forgotten god that now by all rights has a claim on your life for better or for worse*

Me, and intellectual: *doesnt fucking do that*

A forgotten god cannot run my life any worse than I am currently running it myself.

Bog mummy take the wheel


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one of the things that bothers me most about posts which imply (or outright state) that all men are inherently abusive, aside from the fact that it’s objectively untrue, is that it normalises and excuses abuse – if abusiveness is inseparable from maleness and masculinity, then abusive men aren’t really accountable for their actions, because by that logic they can’t help it. this also falsely implies that there is no alternative male behaviour, which is incredibly dangerous and absolutely contributes to victim blaming where the perpetrator was a man. men can be gentle! men can be loving! if you’re attracted to men, accept nothing less, and never place the blame on your own attraction to men if you are poorly treated rather than on the man in question for actively choosing to mistreat you.


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until my early 20s i literally thought axolotls were microscopic creatures like tardigrades

just before i hit post on this i had a sudden moment of Concern and had to google ‘how big are tardigrades’

btw tardigrades ARE tiny little friends and not larger like axolotls

oh no? explain him


Right, any Soft Friendship Headcanons you have about the TOS bridge crew (plus Bones, Chapel, and Scotty)?

i had a dream one time that the crew all had a sleepover on the bridge where bones and spock and kirk are all snuggled together but bones is trying to figure out how to do a mind meld and the best he can do is the vulcan salute poked into spock’s face. kirk was sacked out in the middle of eating potato chips, and sulu was drawing on his face with a marker. uhura, chapel and rand were also cuddled up and uhura was the only one up, reading with a little headlamp, and chekov was leaning over the light doing shadow puppets on the ceiling.


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How many tabs do u have open right now and what are they